New SU Officer role for mature students created

Congratulations to Charlotte Grayson who has been elected to be the first SU mature students officer !

In trinity term 2020 a constitutional motion was passed to introduce the new role of a SU Mature Students Officer. Mature students are students that are 21 years old or older at the time of their matriculation. Owing to their age, mature students have a different experience of undergraduate life, and this new role will make sure that these different experiences are well represented within the SU and create social events for mature students.

The section in the SU Standing Orders explaining the tasks of this new role now reads:

The Mature Students Officer shall:

1. Represent the needs of mature students in Wadham SU and liaise with welfare and any liberation officers as appropriate regarding their needs.

2. Provide support for mature students in college. 

3. Organise events and other activities for and with mature students. 

4. Work to encourage the integration of mature students into the student body.

Wadham SU Standing Orders, section 3.B.29

Wadham Giving Day 2020

The College is holding its second-ever Giving Day over 12th-13th November!

Giving Day is a 36-hour period to celebrate what makes Wadham the best college – its ethos, its people, its inclusivity, its widening access programme, and more – we’re using the hashtag #WadhamProud to describe that sense – eg “I’m #WadhamProud of ground-breaking widening access programme”. 

Wadham students Eva Hayward and Alex Kahn explain what makes them #WadhamProud for example in this video:

SU Elections – Trinity Term 2016

The first round of SU Elections are over and the results are in!

Congratulations to…

President: Lucas Bertholdi-Saad

Treasurer: Ollie Braddy

Access Officer: Freya Prentice

People of Colour / Racial Equalities Officer (PoCRE): Mannat Malhi

Staff Liaison Officer: Ashley Thompson

Sports Officer: Conor Williets

…and a huge thanks to everyone who ran! For further information, contact